The UK may soon ditch the absurd EU Cookie Directive

When visiting a website for the first time, you’ll likely be presented with a (somewhat intrusive) banner or pop-up about cookies. “Cookies” in this regard are sadly not the delicious chocolate-chip laden baked goods that we all love 🍪. (If only they were, I’d be more than happy to accept these when visiting a website!) […]

Just because a website has a “padlock” doesn’t mean it’s legit

“Look for the padlock icon in your browser bar when logging in. This tells you that the site you’re entering your details into is secure.“ – That’s the advice I recently received in a generic mass “Keeping you safe” email from Nectar, a loyalty points scheme here in the UK, which was sent to […]

Flaws in Zoom’s Password Reset function

In researching my previous article on websites that are doing password resets wrong, I tested the Password Reset function of a number of high-profile sites. I did this using an email address which I knew didn’t have an account on each particular website. When testing however, I observed something quite strange…. I entered the […]

Password Resets done the wrong way

Let’s face it, we’ve all at one time or another had to initiate a password reset on a website we previously registered on way back when and can no longer remember our password. Yet, I’m frequently amazed at how many websites still get the whole password reset thing very wrong in 2021. Yes, for the […]